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Home | NECS | New England Print & IT Provider Skip to main content

With equipment from HP, Canon, and Konica Minolta, We have the right hardware to meet your business needs.

From fax machines to scanners and laptops, we have the products that fit your office needs.

Get the supplies you need by using our self-service online supplies store.

We offer custom tailored services that meet your office needs.

Save money, improve document management, secure critical information, and improve efficiencies with NECS' software solutions.

Our Company

NECS is New England's largest independent office technology dealer proudly serving thousands of customers for over 50 years. NECS is an Elite Partner with Canon, a Premier Partner with HP and an authorized dealer of Konica Minolta. Our strong, multi-brand partnerships allow us to customize solutions based on varying client needs. From simple print/scan/copy solutions to fortune 500 companies with unique security and production needs NECS has the technology solutions to drive your business.

We have a strong reputation for making our multi-functional devices (MFD) “Smart” by leveraging our software partners to enable complete integration with the MFD. The copy machine becomes the on-ramp to generate workflows start to finish, track device usage, scan directly into your document management system and more importantly provide next-generation security for all network print devices.

Our information management team can provide your organization with the software and services to convert paper files to digital formats automate labor-intensive paper processes and design and implement your document management and workflow solution.

NECS is headquartered in Woburn MA, with locations in Boston, Canton, Springfield, Manchester NH, Windsor CT, and Warwick RI.

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